
The truth is not a lot of people get to see your FBP (first blog post) as a newbie blogger bc by the time you get a commendable number of readers you’d probably have made so many more blog posts and nobody really goes all the way back to your FBP. So I’m just gonna be super chill about this post lol.

The fact that you’re reading this means that you’re giving my blog a chance and I’m so grateful for that. Consider yourself lucky bc this is the FBP which means we’re starting this journey together! 

I had initially named this blog ‘The Marienoel Blog’ but changed it to ‘Marienoel by Marienoel’ just bc i wanted to switch it up (and ‘The Marienoel Blog’ is kinda cliché). Marienoel by Marienoel is (clearly) self named and to make things extra crystal clear my name is Marienoel Emechebe.

Marienoel is made up of two french words; Marie and Noel. Marie means bride while Noel means Christmas which is associated with Christ, hence the deeper meaning of Marienoel,  Bride of Christ. No, it doesn’t mean that I’m a reverend sister or anything. I just want to put it out there that I’m a Jesus girl 100%.

Marienoel by Marienoel centers on fashion and lifestyle. I believe that there are females who derive power from nudity and there are females who derive power from being modest. I guess it’s safe to say that I’m more on the conservative side not just bc I’m Catholic (as Catholics we are called to dress decently) but also bc I’m genuinely not comfortable showing off excess skin in public. That being said, don’t expect Kim Kardashian themed outfit inspo from this blog and to my girls who can relate, you can be modest and still slay pls.

A couple of other things to expect from this blog are reviews, DIY tutorials (I’m super crafty which makes me a DIY fanatic) and most likely rants at random bc sometimes life as a female isn’t all that rosy.

I’m new to blogging so if I make a mistake here and there, be gentle. Don’t hate me lol. I promise this blog will get better as time goes on. Thank you so much for checking out my blog. This blog is nothing without awesome readers like you 👏. Cheers to you guys and great blog content in the future to come.

Love, Marie.

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